spin-off (suomeksi)
- rinnakkainen kirjoitusasu sanalle 'spinoff' (s)
- lisähyöty (s: incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off)
- sivutuote (s: incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off)
- spin off (s: incidental benefit or unexpected pay-off / fictional work / formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed / spinnaaminen)
- spin off -ohjelma (s: fictional work / spin off -ohjelma / TV program)
- spinnaaminen (s: formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed / spinnaaminen / formation)
- irrokki (s: formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed / spinnaaminen)
- spin off -yritys (s: formation of a subsidiary, the company so formed / spinnaaminenspin off -yritys / company)
Viimeisimmät haut: selenologist, spin-off, reorganizes, good looker, fucosyltransferase, warm transfer