shear (suomeksi)
- saksia muistuttava työkalu (s: yksiköllinen)
- suuret sakset (s)
- keritä (v: villa lampaalta / to remove the fleece from a sheep)
- leikata (v: to deform because of shearing forces)
- viiltää (v: to cut)
- leikkautua (v: to deform because of shearing forces)
- keritsimet (s: a cutting tool similar to scissors)
- leikkaus (s: the act of shearing, or something removed by shearing)
- leike (s: the act of shearing, or something removed by shearing)
- leikkuu (s: the act of shearing, or something removed by shearing)
- leikkausvoima (s: a force that produces a shearing strain)
- Sana perusmuodossa: sheer