Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
sharp (suomeksi)
- terävä (a: able to cut easily / intelligent / pointed, able to pierce easily / offensive, critical, or acrimonious)
- jyrkkä (a)
- vihlova (a: intense and sudden (of pain))
- tarkka (a: exact, precise, accurate, keen / observant, alert, acute)
- korotettu (a: musiikki / yhteys / of a note, played a semitone higher than usual)
- ylävireinen (a: musiikki / yhteys / musically higher-pitched than desired)
- terävä-älyinen (a: intelligent)
- -is (a: of a note, played a semitone higher than usual)
- kirpeä (a: having an intense, acrid flavour)
- kipakka (a: having an intense, acrid flavour)
- pistävä (a: intense and sudden (of pain))
- täsmällinen (a: exact, precise, accurate, keen)
- tyylikäs (a: stylish or attractive)
- tasan (d: exactly)
- korkealta (d: in a higher pitch than is correct or desirable)
- korotusmerkki (s: sign for a sharp note on the staff)
- ylennetty nuotti (s: note that is sharp in a particular key)
- teräesine (s: sharp object)
- lurjus (s: cheater or dishonest person)
- huijari (s: cheater or dishonest person)