Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
settlerist (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- Characteristic of or pertaining to settlerism.
- Promoting emigration as a settler.
- * (quote-book, year=2011 , title=Replenishing the Earth: The Settler Revolution and the Rise of the Angloworld , author=James Belich , page= , ISBN=019161971X , passage=Souther California was 'perfect bliss on earth', an 'Earthly Eden unsurpassed', 'A Southern California Paradise'. Another old '''settlerist''' nerve struck by California boosters was the availability of a life as well as a living, leisure as well as wealth. )
- * (quote-book, year=2012 , title=First Vintage: Wine in colonial New South Wales , author=Julie McIntyre , page= , ISBN=1742241247 , passage='''Settlerist''' principles meant the Australian colonies believed Britain had an obligation to buy colonial wine. )
- * (quote-journal, year=2013, month=May , work=Institute of Public Affairs Review: A Quarterly Review of Politics and Public Affairs , title=Explaining the success of the 'Anglo-world' [Book Review] , volume=65 , number=1 , author=Jeffry Babb , passage=The British 'Wests' consists of those societies which mirror the '''settlerist''' characteristics of the American West, such as Canada, New Zealand and Australia.)
- Asserting the rights and privileges of settlers over others (such as indigenous people).
- * (quote-book, year=2002, title=Media Professionalism and Ethics in Zimbabwe , author= , page= , ISBN= , passage=So this period saw a gradual polarisation with the '''settlerist''' position consolidating itself against the liberal interventionist camp and the African majority. )
- * (quote-book, year=2012 , title=You're Not a Country, Africa , author=Pius Adesanmi , page= , ISBN=0143528653 , passage=In d'Allemagne's vitriolic prose, Québec bears an incredible resemblance to Kenya, Rhodesia, and South Africa under white ''''settlerist''' plunder and dispossession. )
- * (quote-book, year= 2016 , title=Arab-Jewish Activism in Israel-Palestine , author=Marcelo Svirsky , page= , ISBN=1317179919 , passage=In modern times, our colonial present burst forth in Palestine in the early twentieth century as an evolving '''settlerist''' project led by the Zionist movement which had to interlace its statist aspirations, first with Ottoman imperialism and then with the British, eventually supplanting them with a specific variety of internal settler colonialism. )
- * (quote-book, year=2016 , title=Manufacturing Phobias , author=Hisham Ramadan & Jeff Shantz , page= , ISBN=1442628847 , passage=Further studies might pursue specifically '''settlerist''' forms of phobic construction within settler societies like Canada and the United States. )
- One who promotes or believes in settlerism.