scent (suomeksi)
- tuoksu (s: distinctive odour or smell / generally plesurable / perfume)
- haju (s: distinctive odour or smell / generally unpleasant / odour left by animal / figuratively: any traces that can be followed)
- hajujälki (s: odour left by animal / the odour in itself, whether sensed or not)
- vainu (s: odour left by animal / the odour as sensed by a follower, usually dog / sense of smell)
- hajuaisti (s: sense of smell)
- hajuvesi (s: perfume)
- jälki (s: figuratively: any traces that can be followed)
- jäljet (s: figuratively: any traces that can be followed)
- vihi (s: figuratively: any traces that can be followed)
- vainuta (v: to detect the scent of)
- hajustaa (v: to impart an odour to)