satinwood (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- Woody trees in family Rutaceae
- (taxlink, Chloroxylon swietenia, species, ver=170627) ((vern, Ceylon satinwood, Ceylon) or (vern, East Indian satinwood))
- (taxlink, Zanthoxylum flavum, species, ver=170627) ((vern, Jamaican satinwood, Jamaican satinwood) or (vern, West Indian satinwood)).
- (taxlink, Chloroxylon faho, species, ver=170626) ((vern, Madagascar satinwood))
- ''Murraya paniculata'', from southeast Asia and Australia
- (taxlink, Nematolepis squamea, species, ver=170626), from Australia
- Wood used for crafting fine furniture, particularly for inlay and marquetry, from either (taxlink, Chloroxylon swietenia, species, ver=170627) or (taxlink, Zanthoxylum flavum, species, ver=170627).