rise (suomeksi)
- nousu (s: action of moving upwards / increase (in a quantity, price, etc) / lisäysnousu / price)
- nouseminen (s: action of moving upwards)
- ylämäki (s)
- kukkula (s)
- kohouma (s)
- palkankorotus (s)
- nousta (v: to move upwards / of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon / to assume an upright position after lying down or sitting / to be resurrected / of a quantity, etc: to increase / kasvaa / of prices / of a dough, etc: to begin; to develop.)
- kohota (v: to move upwards)
- yletä (v)
- kohottautua (v: to move upwards)
- kasvaa (v: of a quantity, etc: to increase / of a quantity)
- alkaa (v: to have its source)
- kohoaminen (s: action of moving upwards)
- lisääntyminen (s: increase (in a quantity, price, etc))
- lisäys (s: increase (in a quantity, price, etc) / lisäys / quantity)