Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
resolve (suomeksi)
- ratkaista (v: to find a solution to / to reduce to simple or intelligible notions; to make clear or certain / to come to an agree / to cause to perceive or understand, to convince; to assure; to make certain)
- selvittää (v: to reduce to simple or intelligible notions; to make clear or certain)
- selittää (v: to reduce to simple or intelligible notions; to make clear or certain)
- ratkaista uudelleen (v: to solve again)
- päättää (v: to make a firm decision)
- hajottaa (v: to break down into constituent parts)
- vakuuttaa (v: to cause to perceive or understand, to convince; to assure; to make certain / vakuuttaa / to convince)
- varmistaa (v: to cause to perceive or understand, to convince; to assure; to make certain / vakuuttaavarmistaa / make certain)
- purkaa (v: to cause a chord to go from dissonance to consonance)
- selvittää IP-osoite (v: to find IP address or entity)
- sulattaa (v: to melt; to dissolve; to liquefy or soften)
- sulaa (v: to melt; to dissolve; to become liquid)
- nesteyttää (v: to liquefy a gas or vapour)
- levitä (v: medicine: to disperse or scatter)
- rentoutua (v: to relax; to lay at ease)
- ottaa rennosti (v: to relax; to lay at ease)
- tahdonvoima (s: will power)