reflect (suomeksi)
- heijastaa (v: to bend back from a surface / to mirror, or show the image of something)
- kuvastaa (v: to mirror, or show the image of something / to give evidence of someone's or something's character etc.)
- miettiä (v: rak / to think seriously; to ponder or consider)
- mietiskellä (v: rak)
- pohtia (v: rak / to think seriously; to ponder or consider)
- heijastua (v: to be bent back from a surface / to be mirrored)
- kuvastua (v: to be bent back from a surface / to be mirrored)
- vastata (v: to agree with; to closely follow)
- pohdiskella (v: to think seriously; to ponder or consider)