rant (suomeksi)
- paasaus (s)
- paasata (v: to speak or shout at length in an uncontrollable anger / to criticise by ranting)
- saarnata (v)
- vuodatus (s: criticism)
- paatos (s: incoherent and emotional articulation)
- rähinä (s: incoherent and emotional articulation)
- kiihko (s: incoherent and emotional articulation)
- palopuhe (s: incoherent and emotional articulation)
- kiihotuspuhe (s: incoherent and emotional articulation)
- pauhata (v: to speak or shout at length in an uncontrollable anger / to criticise by ranting)
- rähjätä (v: to speak or shout at length in an uncontrollable anger / to criticise by ranting)