Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
quality (suomeksi)
- laatu (s: level of excellence / degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws)
- ominaisuus (s: differentiating property or attribute)
- ominaispiirre (s: differentiating property or attribute)
- sääty (s: archaic: social position)
- laadukkuus (s: degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws)
- höyrypitoisuus (s: ratio of the mass of vapor present to the total mass of a two-phase liquid–vapor mixture)
- hyvälaatuinen (a: being of good worth)
- laadukas (a: being of good worth)
- laatu- (a: being of good worth)