Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
päästä (englanniksi)
- get to (v: intransitive / intransitive / a place/level)
- reach (v: intransitive)
- arrive at (v: intransitive)
- in (v: intransitive / a place / intransitive)
- get go (v: intransitive)
- be allowed (v: intransitive)
- permitted to go (v: intransitive)
- get in (v: intransitive)
- be admitted to (v: intransitive)
- make it to (v: intransitive / + illative)
- attain (v: intransitive)
- achieve (v: intransitive)
- manage (v: intransitive / + act. 3rd inf. in illat. / to do; to happen by accident)
- get rid of (v: intransitive / + elative / a person)
- get over (v: intransitive / a feeling)
- avoid (v: intransitive)
- escape (v: intransitive)
- get out of (v: intransitive)
- not have (v: intransitive)
- need (v: intransitive)
- be spared the necessity of (v: intransitive / doing/to do = act. 3rd inf. in elat.)
- evade (v: intransitive / + elative)
- elude (v: intransitive)
- get off (v: intransitive)
- by (v: intransitive)
- be released (v: intransitive)
- discharged (v: intransitive / from a hospital; from prison)
- after (v: intransitive)
- [period] from (v: intransitive / after a period of time)
- Sana perusmuodossa: päähän / Sana perusmuodossa: pää