Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
pull (suomeksi)
- veto (s: act of pulling / attractive force)
- vetää (v: transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one / intransitive: apply force such that an object comes toward the person or thing applying the force / remove (something) from circulation)
- vetovoima (s: attractive force / appeal)
- imu (s: attractive force)
- vedin (s: device meant to be pulled)
- vaikutusvalta (s: influence as means of gaining advantage)
- viehätys (s: appeal)
- pull (s: internet: situation where a client sends out a request for data)
- soutu (s: journey made by rowing)
- soutumatka (s: journey made by rowing)
- tehdä (v: do, perform)
- antaa (v: retrieve or generate for use)
- iskeä (v: slang: persuade (a person) to have sex with one)
- saada (v: succeed in finding a person with whom to have sex)