prospect (suomeksi)
- mahdollisuus (s: potential things that may come to pass, usually favorable)
- näköala (s: region which the eye overlooks at one time)
- ehdokas (s: erit. urheilujoukkueeseen)
- etsiä (v: esim. kultaa / to search as for gold)
- näkökenttä (s: region which the eye overlooks at one time)
- näkymä (s: region which the eye overlooks at one time / act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation)
- maisema (s: picturesque or panoramic view; landscape, sketch of landscape)
- julkisivu (s: relative position of the front of a building or other structure; face / music: façade of an organ)
- kasvot (s: relative position of the front of a building or other structure; face)
- eteenpäin katsominen (s: act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation)
- toivo (s: hope, hopeful)
- varaus (s: sports: player whose rights are owned by a top-level professional team, but who has yet to play a game for said team)
- julkisivupillistö (s: music: façade of an organ)