Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
prosaic (suomeksi)
- proosallinen (Adjektiivi : pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose / straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry / overly plain or simple, to the point of being boring; humdrum)
- proosa- (a: pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose)
- arkipäiväinen (a: straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry / overly plain or simple, to the point of being boring; humdrum)
- ikävä (a: straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry)
- tylsä (a: overly plain or simple, to the point of being boring; humdrum)