pride (suomeksi)
- ylpeys (s: käsitteenä / / / quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc. / sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one / proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct)
- ylpeyden aihe (s: jonkin aiheuttama)
- ylvästely (s: show; ostentation; glory)
- ylimielisyys (s)
- kopeus (s: negatiivinen / proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct)
- lauma (s: eläintiede / vain leijonista / company of lions)
- eräs nahkiaslaji (s: eläintiede / Petromyzon branchialis)
- kiima (s: eläintiede / lust; sexual desire; especially, an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast)
- ylpeydenaihe (s: that of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem)
- huippu (s: highest pitch; elevation reached; loftiness; prime; glory)