Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
precipitate (suomeksi)
- kiirehtiä (v: make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten)
- kiihdyttää (v: make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten)
- nopeuttaa (v: make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten)
- jouduttaa (v: make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten)
- syöstä (v: To throw an object or person from a great height / To send violently into a certain state or condition)
- paiskata (v: To throw an object or person from a great height)
- saostua (v: To come out of a liquid solution into solid form)
- saostaa (v: To separate out of a liquid solution into solid form)
- sataa (v: To have water in the air fall to the ground)
- kohtisuora (a: Headlong; falling steeply or vertically)
- äkkijyrkkä (a: Headlong; falling steeply or vertically / Very steep; precipitous)
- syöksyvä (a: Headlong; falling steeply or vertically)
- hätiköity (a: With a hasty impulse; hurried; headstrong / Performed very rapidly or abruptly)
- hätäinen (a: Moving with excessive speed or haste)
- tulos (s: product)
- saos (s: chemistry: solid that exits the liquid phase of a solution)
- saostuma (s: chemistry: solid that exits the liquid phase of a solution)