poiketa (englanniksi)
- differ (v: olla poikkeava)
- deviate (v: tehdä aikeiden vastaisesti / intransitive / to turn aside from the main subject of attention, or course of argument)
- stop by (v: pistäytyä)
- stop in (v: pistäytyä)
- differ from (v)
- be different from (v)
- depart (v)
- diverge (v: not to have the same traits, characteristics / intransitive)
- stray (v: intransitive)
- wander (v: intransitive)
- swerve (v: intransitive)
- veer (v: intransitive / to change course or plan; to go off course; to fall outside, e.g. of a norm)
- digress (v)
- drop by (v: intransitive)
- drop in (v: intransitive / to visit without an appointment)
Viimeisimmät haut: poiketa, foolishness, converted, benzodithiophenes, puoliltapäivin, antidictatorship