Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
pocket (suomeksi)
- tasku (s: bag stitched to an item of clothing / enclosed volume of one substance surrounded by another / bowling: ideal spot to hit the pins)
- pistää taskuun (v)
- pussittaa (v: biljardissa ja snookerissa / to cause a ball to go into a pocket of a billiard table)
- pussi (s: billiards: net into which balls are struck)
- motti (s: military: area where military units are completely surrounded by enemy units)
- t|fi|pistää (v: to put into a pocket / to take and keep (especially money) that is not one's own)
- panna (v: to put into a pocket / to take and keep (especially money) that is not one's own)
- laittaa taskuun}} (v: to put into a pocket)
- laittaa taskuunsa}} (v: to take and keep (especially money) that is not one's own)
- taskukokoinen (a: of a size suitable for putting into a pocket / smaller or more compact than usual)
- tasku- (a: of a size suitable for putting into a pocket / smaller or more compact than usual)