platform (suomeksi)
- alusta (s: tietotekniikka / yhteys / computing: particular type of operating system or environment)
- lava (s: stage for speeches and performances)
- koroke (s)
- asemalaituri (s: travel: raised structure for passengers)
- puolueohjelma (s: politiikka / yhteys)
- kateederi (s: politiikka)
- esiintymislava (s: stage for speeches and performances)
- puhujakoroke (s: stage for speeches and performances / puhujakoroke / stage for speeches)
- puheenvuoro (s: place or opportunity to express one's opinion)
- platformi (s: high shoe type)
- lähtökohta (s: foundation or stage)
- pohjalevy (s: automotive: set of components shared by several vehicle models)
- sovellusalusta (s: computing: particular type of operating system or environment)
- ohjelma (s: politics: political stance on a broad set of issues)
- periaateohjelma (s: politics: political stance on a broad set of issues)
- laituri (s: travel: raised structure for passengers)
- malli (s: plan, sketch, model, pattern)