party (suomeksi)
- juhla (s: social gathering)
- puolue (s)
- seurue (s: group of people travelling or attending an event together)
- asianosainen (s: lakitiede / yhteys / law: particular side in a contract or legal action / osapuoliasianosainen / legal action)
- juhlia (v: lakitiede / to celebrate at a party)
- osapuoli (s: law: particular side in a contract or legal action / osapuoli / contract / group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.)
- osallinen (s: someone who takes part)
- joukko (s: military: discrete detachment of troops)
- juhlat (s: social gathering)
- bailut (s: social gathering)
- bileet (s: social gathering)
- kemut (s: social gathering)