paper (suomeksi)
- paperi (s: sheet material / open hand in the game of rock, paper and scissors / medicinal preparation)
- tapetti (s)
- tieteellinen julkaisu (s)
- dokumentti (s)
- raportti (s: written document shorter than a book)
- paperoida (v: to apply paper to / paperoida / general)
- tapetoida (v: to apply paper to / paperoidatapetoida / with wallpaper)
- paper over peitellä (v)
- yrittää piilottaa (v)
- julkaisu (s: academic paper)
- tutkimus (s: academic paper)
- artikkeli (s: academic paper)
- esitelmä (s: academic paper)
- aine (s: scholastic essay)
- tutkielma (s: scholastic essay)
- tuohi (s: slang: money)
- kurssi (s: university course)
- paperipakkaus (s: paper packet)
- aski (s: paper packet)
- paperinen (a: made of paper)
- paperi- (a: made of paper)