pakki (englanniksi)
- short form of työkalupakki (s)
- which is a box designed to serve as a portable tool storage (s)
- tool box (s)
- reverse (s: colloquial)
- in the sense of reverse gear (s: colloquial)
- If a sailing vessel or any of its sails is in such position relative to the wind that the wind blows from the wrong side of a sail (s: nautical)
- sail is said to be 'pakilla' (s: nautical / adessive case of the noun 'pakki')
- mess kit (s: military)
- metal container belonging to soldier's field equipment. The container serves as cooking vessel and the top doubles as cup (s: military)
- defending player in various ballgames (s: colloquial)
- defenceman (s: colloquial)
- defender (s: colloquial)
- event of getting rejected (s: colloquial)
- especially by the opposite sex when approaching her (s: colloquial)
- him. Normally used in plural (s: colloquial)
- 'pakit' (s: colloquial)
- head of a person (s)
Viimeisimmät haut: pakki, Himalayan marmot, delta particle, kaunistuen, minority governments, four-point Calvinist