only (suomeksi)
- ainoa (a: alone in a category / without sibling)
- vain (d: without others or anything further; exclusively / no more than / as recently as)
- ainoastaan (d: without others or anything further; exclusively)
- ainut (a: alone in a category)
- ainutlaatuinen (a: singularly superior; the best)
- edes (d: no more than)
- vasta (d: as recently as)
- juuri (d: as recently as)
- mutta (k: but / however / except)
- jos (k: but)
- sillä ehdolla, että (k: but)
- paitsi että (k: except)
Viimeisimmät haut: only, antimedicalization, means to an end, White-shouldered Fairy-wren, difurans, means of production