occasion (suomeksi)
- tilaisuus (s: favorable opportunity / special event or function)
- sopiva ajankohta (s)
- tapaus (s: particular happening / special event or function)
- tapahtuma (s: special event or function)
- syy (s: occurrence which brings with it some unlooked-for event; motive, reason / something which causes something else)
- aihe (s: occurrence which brings with it some unlooked-for event; motive, reason)
- mahdollisuus (s: favorable opportunity)
- tilanne (s: time when something happens)
- tarve (s: need)
- tarkoitus (s: reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion)
- tarkoitusperä (s: reason or excuse; a motive; a persuasion)
Viimeisimmät haut: occasion, parafilia, run-through, stopping distance, ergotic, Asian Emerald Cuckoo