niiden (englanniksi)
- their (colloquial)
- theirs (colloquial)
- used instead of heidän (colloquial)
- # their (colloquial)
- used without possessive suffix in the main word owned (colloquial)
- #: 'Niiden' äiti on 45-vuotias (colloquial)
- #:: 'Their' mother is 45 years old (colloquial)
- # theirs (colloquial / that which belongs to them, used without a following noun)
- #: Tämä kirja on 'niiden'. (colloquial)
- #:: This book is 'theirs' (colloquial)
- # they (colloquial)
- used with monopersonal verbs which require genitive such as pitää (colloquial)
- täytyä (colloquial)
- tulla (colloquial)
- olla + passive present participle etc (colloquial)
- #: 'Niiden' pitää (colloquial)
- täytyy (colloquial)
- tulee tehdä (colloquial)
- on tehtävä tämä nyt. (colloquial)
- #:: 'They' have to do this now (colloquial)
- Sana perusmuodossa: ne / Sana perusmuodossa: niisi