negative (suomeksi)
- kielteinen (a: not positive or neutral / linguistics: denying a proposition / pessimistic)
- negatiivinen (a: not positive or neutral / of electrical charge / mathematics: less than zero / inherently damaging / pessimistic / of or relating to a photographic image in which the colours and relations are reversed / chemistry: metalloidal; nonmetallic / New Age jargon|unwanted, disagreeable)
- kieltävä (a: linguistics: denying a proposition)
- vahingollinen (a: inherently damaging)
- pessimistinen (a: pessimistic)
- vastustus (s: refusal or withholding of assent; veto, prohibition)
- veto (s: refusal or withholding of assent; veto, prohibition)
- kielto (s: refusal or withholding of assent; veto, prohibition)
- veto-oikeus (s: legal: right of veto)
- negatiivi (s: photography)
- nega (s: photography / nega / colloquial)
- kieltosana (s: grammar: word that indicates negation)
- negatiivinen suure (s: mathematics: negative quantity)
- negatiivinen luku (s: mathematics: negative quantity)