Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
narrow (suomeksi)
- kapea (a: having small width / of little extent; very limited; circumscribed)
- kapea-alainen (a: of little extent; very limited; circumscribed)
- ahdas (a: of little extent; very limited; circumscribed / restrictive; without flexibility or latitude / contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted.)
- rajoittunut (a: of little extent; very limited; circumscribed)
- kapeakatseinen (a: contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted.)
- niukka (a: having a small margin or degree / limited as to means; straitened; pinching)
- puutteellinen (a: limited as to means; straitened; pinching)
- pihi (a: parsimonious; niggardly)
- tarkka (a: scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact)
- suppea (a: phonetics: formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate)
- kaventaa (v: to reduce in width or extent)
- kaventua (v: to get narrower)