moderate (suomeksi)
- kohtuullinen (a: not excessive)
- kohtalainen (a: not excessive)
- maltillinen (s: politiikka / not excessive / having an intermediate position in politics / one who holds an intermediate position)
- hillitä (v)
- vaatimaton (a: not excessive)
- keskinkertainen (a: mediocre)
- tasoittaa (v: to reduce the excessiveness)
- kohtuullistaa (v: to reduce the excessiveness)
- tasaantua (v: to become less excessive)
- tasoittua (v: to become less excessive)
- juontaa (v: to preside over as a moderator)
- moderoida (v: to preside over as a moderator)
- sovitella (v: to act as a moderator)