majolica (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- A fine Italian tin-glazed earthenware, coated with opaque white enamel and ornamented with metallic colours.
- An English tin-glazed earthenware, coated with opaque white enamel, ornamented with metal oxide colours, finely brush-painted decoration, manufactured by Minton & Co from 1850 to about 1870 in imitation of Italian Renaissance maiolica. Minton named the product ‘majolica’Leon Arnoux (1877), 'British Manufacturing Industries', POTTERY by L. Arnoux[http://www.gutenberg.org/files/38953/38953-h/38953-h.htm]. "''Majolica was produced for the first time by Messrs. Minton, in 1850, and they have been for many years the only producers of this article.''" Never mass-produced. Very rare.
- A lead-glazed earthenware decorated with colored lead glazes applied directly to an unglazed body, then fired. Typically hard-wearing, relief molded, in classical or naturalistic styles. Named Palissy ware by Minton & Co.Leon Arnoux (1867), Paris Exhibition, Report on Pottery[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-h4-AAAAcAAJ&pg=PA391&dq=1867+leon+arnoux+on+pottery&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD-unf36_PAhWcF8AKHa7jAC8Q6AEIHjAAv=onepage&q=1867%20leon%20arnoux%20on%20pottery&f=false], soon became known as ‘majolica’. Introduced in 1851The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue (1851)[http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/DLDecArts/DLDecArts-idx?type=goto&id=DLDecArts.IllusCat1851&isize=M&submit=Go+to+page&page=282]
- Any other kind of glazed coloured earthenware or faience.
Viimeisimmät haut: majolica, psychopharmacologist, class adapter pattern, Tokio, multiemployers, overpursuing