lightwater (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (alt form, light water, lang=en)
- Water in its standard form.
- * (quote-book, year=1978, title=Environmental Implications of the New Energy Plan, author=United States Congress House Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere , passage=I confess I am not fully aware of all the technicalities, but to what extent then is reprocessed fuel capable of being reused in '''lightwater''' reactors, compared to being reused in breeder reactors? )
- * (quote-book, year=1986, title=Fiscal Year 1987 Department of Energy Authorization, author=Fusion Advisory Panel (U.S.), United States Congress House Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production , page=248, passage=To renew the nuclear option, then, it is necessary to reexamine '''lightwater''' reactor technology. This clearly leads to a priority effort to define advanced '''lightwater''' reactor systems.)
- * (quote-book, year=2010, title=The Twilight of the Bombs, author=Richard Rhodes, ISBN=0307593738, passage=If the U.S. had helped us acquire a '''lightwater''' capability [following the Gallucci-Kang talks in 1993], even if from a third country, we could have avoided the current problem, and we would have reached a point of greater confidence, and we would now enjoy improved relations.)
- Fire-fighting foam.
- * (quote-journal, year=1974, month=September, work=Popular Mechanics, volume=142, number=3, title=Fire on the Flight Deck!, author=Mort Schultz, passage=An aqueous film-forming foam consisting of water and a special detergent, '''lightwater''' overspreads Class B fires -- those fed by petroleum -- and smothers them instantly.)
- * (quote-book, year=1983, title=Mine and Quarry Mechanisation, page=110, passage=The new FFE vehicle system can quickly detect fire and automatically activate '''lightwater''' foam to provide fail safe protection for both the vehicle, machinery and the operators.)
- * (quote-book, year=1983, title=Environmental Impact Statement: I-5 Ramp Construction at 220th St Interchange, ISBN=, passage=The City of Mountlake Terrace Fire Department has '''lightwater''' and foam capabilities and there are adequate fire hydrants along Interstate 5 and 220th Street S.W. to handle most emergencies.)