laskea (englanniksi)
- count (v: lukuja / transitive)
- reckon (v: arvella)
- lower (v: siirtää alaspäin / transitive / transitive / e.g. prices / intransitive / e.g. of prices)
- lay (v: siirtää alaspäin / transitive / e.g. the foundation of sth)
- slide (v: liukua / intransitive / down; by using some vehicle or instrument)
- fall (v: vähentyä / intransitive)
- decrease (v: vähentyä / vähentää / transitive / the amount of sth / intransitive / e.g. of the amount of sth)
- reduce (v: vähentää)
- let (v: päästää pois / transitive / with adverbs or verbs)
- discharge (v: joesta)
- build (v: asentaa maahan putki, kaapeli, tms)
- drop (v: transitive / intransitive)
- put down (v: transitive)
- set down (v: transitive)
- lay down (v: transitive)
- ~ liikkeelle (v: transitive)
- liikkeeseen = to release (v: transitive)
- put into circulation (v: transitive)
- issue (v: transitive)
- run (v: transitive / let)
- flow (v: transitive / let)
- tally (v: transitive / the number of sth)
- calculate (v: transitive)
- figure (v: transitive)
- find (v: transitive / + genitive-accusative + translative)
- consider (v: transitive)
- slope down (v)
- descend (v)
- drop off (v)
- flow a larger body of water (v)
- set (v)