Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
interest (suomeksi)
- mielenkiinto (s: great attention and concern from someone / attention that is given to or received from someone or something)
- kiinnostus (s: great attention and concern from someone / attention that is given to or received from someone or something)
- korko (s: taloustiede / yhteys / finance: price of credit)
- sidonnaisuus (s: taloustiede / involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking)
- kiinnostaa (v: taloustiede / to attract attention or concern)
- omistus (s: involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking)
- intressi (s: involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking)
- etu (s: involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking / etu / business interest)
- mielenkiinnon kohde (s: something one is interested in)
- kiinnostuksen kohde (s: something one is interested in)
- harrastus (s: something one is interested in)
- vahingonkorvaus (s: compensation for injury)
- ala (s: persons interested in any particular business or measure)