indent (suomeksi)
- sisennys (s)
- luetelmakohta (s)
- sisentää (v: tekstiä / typography: to begin a line or lines at a greater or less distance from the margin)
- hammastaa (v: esim. postimerkkiä / to cut into points like a row of teeth)
- kolota (v: to stamp or to press in)
- leimata (v: to stamp or to press in)
- leikata kahtia (v: to cut the two halves of a document in duplicate)
- tehdä sopimus (v: to formally commit to doing something)
- sitoutua (v: to formally commit to doing something)
- tehdä oppisopimus (v: to engage someone / tehdä oppisopimus / in apprenticeship)
- palkata (v: to engage someone / tehdä oppisopimus)