idle (suomeksi)
- joutilas (a: not turned to appropriate use, not occupied, of time with little activity / not engaged in any occupation or employment)
- olla joutilas (v)
- vetelehtiä (v)
- laiskotella (v: to lose or spend time doing nothing)
- käydä joutokäynnillä (v)
- maleksia (v: to lose or spend time doing nothing)
- luppo (a: not turned to appropriate use, not occupied, of time with little activity)
- luppoaika (a: not turned to appropriate use, not occupied, of time with little activity)
- toimeton (a: not engaged in any occupation or employment)
- laiska (a: averse to work or labor)
- joutava (a: of no importance, worthless, useless)
- tuhlata (v: to spend in idleness, to waste)
- haaskata (v: to spend in idleness, to waste)
- olla vapaalla (v: to lose or spend time doing nothing)
- olla joutokäynnillä (v: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear)
Viimeisimmät haut: idle, leed, affinity fraud, rinta rinnan, tietoja, terminate with extreme prejudice