hognut (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (lb, en, US) The pignut or hickory ((taxlink, Carya glabra, species, noshow=1, ver=170118) of family Juglandaceae).
- (lb, en, UK) (taxlink, Conopodium majus, species, noshow=1, ver=170118), a tuberous plant of the Apiaceae.
- ''Bunium bulbocastanum'' (black cumin) of the Apiaceae.
- Certain (vern, rushpea, pl=s), particularly (taxlink, Hoffmannseggia glauca, species, noshow=1, ver=170118) (syn. (taxlink, Hoffmannseggia densiflora, species, noshow=1, ver=170118)) (vern, Indian rushpea), of the Fabaceae.
- (taxlink, Hyptis suaveolens, species, noshow=1, ver=170118) of the Lamiaceae.