hawk (suomeksi)
- haukka (s: predatory bird / advocate of aggressive politics)
- muurauslasta (s)
- laastilauta (s)
- kakistaa (v: to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat)
- kaupustella (v: to sell)
- rykiä (v: to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat)
- rykäistä (v)
- metsästää haukalla (v: to hunt with a hawk)
- rykiminen (s: an effort to force up phlegm)
- kakominen (s: an effort to force up phlegm)
- kakoa (v: to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat)
Viimeisimmät haut: hawk, canne, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, ipsilesionally, riisinviljely, loan word