hash (suomeksi)
- hakkelus (s: chopped food, especially meat and potatoes)
- pyttipannu (s: chopped food, especially meat and potatoes)
- sekasotku (s: confused mess)
- hasis (s)
- #-merkki (s: symboli)
- ruutu (s: the '#' symbol)
- ristikkomerkki (s: the '#' symbol)
- numeronmerkki (s)
- risuaita (s: the '#' symbol)
- tiiviste (s: tietotekniikka)
- hajautustaulu (s)
- tarkiste (s: key generated by a hash function)
- pilkottu (a: chopped into small pieces)
- pilkkoa (v: to chop into small pieces)
- huiskia (v: to make a quick, rough version)
- hasa (s: clipped form of hashish )