glitter (suomeksi)
- säihke (s: bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy)
- hile (s)
- säihkyä (v: to sparkle with light / to be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive)
- välke (s: bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy)
- kimallus (s: bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy)
- kimmellys (s: bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy)
- koristehile (s: shiny, decoractive adornment)
- kimalle (s: shiny, decoractive adornment)
- välkehtiä (v: to sparkle with light)
- kiiltää (v: to sparkle with light)
- kimmeltää (v: to sparkle with light)
- kimaltaa (v: to sparkle with light)
Viimeisimmät haut: glitter, assure, cocktail waitress, viirusiipifrankoliini, sotapolitiikka, basanites