Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
franchise (englanniksi)
- franchise (s: franchise / authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
franchise (suomeksi)
- oikeus (s: right or privilege officially granted by a government)
- etuoikeus (s: right or privilege officially granted by a government)
- valtuutus (s: right or privilege officially granted by a government)
- toimilupa (s: acknowledgement of a corporation's existence and ownership / authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
- franchise (s: authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
- franchisingsopimus (s: authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
- franchisen ottaja (s: business operating under such authorization)
- toimiluvanhaltija (s: business operating under such authorization)
- poikkeuslupa (s: legal exemption from jurisdiction)
- osakkuus (s: membership of a corporation or state / osakkuus / of a corporation)
- kansalaisuus (s: membership of a corporation or state / osakkuuskansalaisuus / of a state)
- äänioikeus (s: right to vote at a public election)
- urheiluseura (s: sports team and its history as entity)
- valtuuttaa (v: to confer certain powers on)