flush (suomeksi)
- tasoissa (a)
- samalla tasolla (a: smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out)
- rikas (a)
- hyvätuloinen (a)
- huuhtelu (s: sudden flowing; cleansing / cleansing of a toilet)
- väri (s: pokerissa / poker hand)
- huuhdella (v: to cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid / to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water / of toilet: to be cleansed with generous quantities of water)
- vetää WC (v)
- ajaa ulos (v)
- savustaa (v)
- ajaa (v: to cause to take flight from concealment)
- rynnätä (v: to take suddenly to flight, especially from cover)
- lehahtaa (v: to take suddenly to flight, especially from cover / on wings)
- rahoissaan (a: wealthy or well off)
- vessan vetäminen (s: cleansing of a toilet)
- vetää (v: to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water)
- punastua (v: to become suffused with reddish color)
- punastuttaa (v: to cause to blush)
- huuhtoa (v: to overwhelm with water)
- sytyttää (v: to excite, inflame)
- innostaa (v: to excite, inflame)
- vetää vessa (v: of toilet: to be cleansed with generous quantities of water)
- tyhjentää (v: computing: to clear a buffer of its contents)
- punehtua (v: to show red)
- täyttää (v: masonry: to fill in)
- tasoittaa (v: masonry: to fill in)