Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
fire (suomeksi)
- tuli (s: oxidation reaction / instance of this chemical reaction / alchemy: one of the basic elements / elements to start a fire / in-flight bullets / brilliancy; lustre)
- tulipalo (s: damaging occurrence of fire)
- tulitus (s: in-flight bullets)
- ammunta (s)
- palo (s: damaging occurrence of fire / strength of passion / liveliness, enthusiasm / cry of distress indicating that something is on fire)
- liesi (s: heater or stove used in place of real fire)
- hella (s: heater or stove used in place of real fire)
- lämmitin (s: heater or stove used in place of real fire)
- lämmityslaite (s: heater or stove used in place of real fire)
- intohimo (s: liveliness, enthusiasm)
- tulitusnappi (s: button on a joypad or similar)
- polttaa (v: to heat pottery, etc. / polttaa / ceramic materials)
- kuumentaa (v: to heat pottery, etc. / polttaakuumentaa / most others)
- savustaa (v: to drive away by setting a fire)
- erottaa (v: to terminate the employment of)
- antaa potkut (v: to terminate the employment of)
- laukaista (v: transitive: to shoot / sport: to shoot, to attempt to score a goal)
- ampua (v: transitive: to shoot / intransitive: to shoot)
- tulittaa (v: intransitive: to shoot)
- aktivoida (v: physiology: to cause action potential in a cell)
- laukoa (v: to forcibly direct)
- sytyttää (v: to inflame; to irritate, as the passions / to animate; to give life or spirit to)
- saada syttymään (v: to animate; to give life or spirit to)
- lämmittää (v: to fire a boiler)
- valaista (v: to light up as if by fire)
- syttyä (v: to catch fire; to be kindled)
- hehkua (v: to be irritated or inflamed with passion)