final (suomeksi)
- viimeinen (a: last; ultimate)
- loppukoe (s: test or examination given at the end of a term or class)
- päättökoe (s: test or examination given at the end of a term or class)
- loppuottelu (s: sports: last round in a contest)
- finaali (s: sports: last round in a contest / contest that narrows a field of contestants)
- loppukilpailu (s: sports: last round in a contest / contest that narrows a field of contestants)
- loppusarja (s: sports: last round in a contest)
- loppuottelut (s: contest that narrows a field of contestants)
- lopullinen (a: last; ultimate / conclusive; decisive / respecting an end, purpose or ultimate end in view)
- finaalinen (a: grammar: expressing purpose)
- loppu- (a: linguistics: occurring at the end of a word)