fillet (suomeksi)
- filee (s: strip of deboned meat or fish / leikefilee / fish)
- seläke (s)
- nurkkatasoite (s)
- kulmalista (s)
- nurkkapiena (s)
- fileerata (v: to make into fillets)
- fileoida (v: to make into fillets)
- tukkanauha (s: headband, ribbon)
- nauha (s: thin strip of any material)
- saumaus (s: construction: heavy bead of waterproofing)
- pyöristys (s: engineering: rounded relief or cut)
- leike (s: strip of deboned meat or fish / leike / meat)
- harjanne (s: architecture: space between two flutings)
- ruuvikierre (s: thread of a screw)
- kierre (s: thread of a screw)
- reunaviiva (s: border of line of colour)
- rima (s: scantling)
- kalvo (s: anatomy: fascia)
- satula (s: loins of a horse)
- pyöristää (v: to apply, etc, a rounded or filled corner to)