fascia (suomeksi)
- kojelauta (s)
- liikekilpi (s)
- mainoskyltti (s)
- faskia (s: anatomia)
- kalvo (s: tissue)
- räystäslauta (s: band of material covering the ends of roof rafters)
- päätylauta (s: band of material covering the ends of roof rafters)
- etulevy (s: face or front cover of an appliance)
- palkki (s: architecture: one of the three bands which make up the architrave)
- raita (s: broad well-defined band of color)
- väriraita (s: broad well-defined band of color)
- nauha (s: band, sash, or fillet)
- ihonalaiskudos (s: tissue / loose, fatty issue under skin)
- sidekalvo (s: tissue / connective tissue covering muscles)
- kalvojänne (s: tissue / aponeurosis)