false (suomeksi)
- väärä (a: untrue, not factual, wrong / based on factually incorrect premises / not well founded, erroneous)
- epäluotettava (a)
- valheellinen (a: untrue, not factual, wrong)
- epätosi (a: untrue, not factual, wrong / state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result)
- vale- (a: untrue, not factual, wrong / väärä / prefix / spurious, artificial / not essential or permanent)
- perusteeton (a: based on factually incorrect premises)
- keinotekoinen (a: spurious, artificial)
- teko- (a: spurious, artificial)
- keino- (a: spurious, artificial)
- epärehellinen (a: uttering falsehood)
- petollinen (a: not faithful or loyal)
- epälojaali (a: not faithful or loyal)
- virheellinen (a: not well founded, erroneous)
- kelvoton (a: not well founded, erroneous)
- väliaikainen (a: not essential or permanent)
- epävireinen (a: music: out of tune)
- falski (a: music: out of tune)