epiphallus (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (lb, en, entomology)
- In some (l, en, orthopteran, orthopterans), a (l, en, plate) adjacent to the (l, en, genital) (l, en, complex).
- * (quote-book, title=The North American Grasshoppers: Acrididae: Oedipodinae, page=92, author=Daniel Otte, year=1981, passage=Hadrotettix and Heliastus lack pale streaks but possess trilobed '''epiphalli''', which led me to look for other characteristics shared with the Hippiscus group., url=https://books.google.com/books?id=yFpFVzxWe2UC&lpg=PA92&dq=%22epiphalli%22&pg=PA92v=onepage&q=%22epiphalli%22&f=false)
- In some (l, en, dictyopteran, dictyopterans), a pair of (l, en, valve, valves) adjacent to the (l, en, phallus).
- * (quote-book, title=History of Insects, page=274, author=A.P. Rasnitsyn, year=2006, passage=Male genitalia strongly asymmetrical, partially concealed by sternum 9, comprised by basisclerite, paired '''epiphalli''' (left with titillator), and hypophallus; hook process (=L3 sclerite after MCKITTRICK 1964) missing (KLASS 1997)., url=https://books.google.com/books?id=puXjBwAAQBAJ&lpg=PA274&dq=%22epiphalli%22&pg=PA274v=onepage&q=%22epiphalli%22&f=false)
- (lb, en, malacology) In some gastropods, an enlargement of the (l, en, vas deferens) that continues beyond the apex of the (l, en, penis).