duck fart (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- A layered (not mixed) drink made of Kahlua, Bailey's Irish cream and Crown Royal (in that order, and ideally with just a float of Crown).
- (lb, en, colloquial) A sound made when a stone is thrown into the water where the water breaks twice creating a longer sounding "plop".
- (lb, en, colloquial) A special sounding created when flatulence is released shortly after or during use of a shower, bath, or pool. Due to the moist areas involve, the air passing through creates a gross noise similar to a duck's quack.
- (lb, en, slang) Something insignificant or silent.
- (lb, en, baseball, colloquial) A ball hit by a batter into the the gray area between the infield and outfield, usually tailing away from whoever is trying to catch it. Also known as a dying quail.