Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
drive (suomeksi)
- matka (s: auto-)
- ajo (s: act of driving animals forward / trip made in a motor vehicle)
- vietti (s)
- pyrkimys (s)
- into (s)
- tarmo (s)
- hanke (s)
- kampanja (s)
- asema (s: atk / computing: apparatus for reading and writing to or from a storage device)
- massamuisti (s)
- koneisto (s)
- käyttö (s: motor that stores potential energy for subsequent use)
- ajaa (v)
- ohjata (v: esim. autoa)
- saattaa (v)
- pakottaa (v)
- motivaatio (s: motivation to do or achieve)
- draivi (s: motivation to do or achieve / golf: stroke made with a driver)
- tahto (s: motivation to do or achieve)
- ryntäys (s: violent or rapid motion)
- eteneminen (s: military: sustained advance)
- moottorikäyttö (s: motor that stores potential energy for subsequent use)
- ajomatka (s: trip made in a motor vehicle)
- pihatie (s: driveway)
- sisääntulotie (s: driveway)
- tie (s: type of public roadway)
- väylä (s: type of public roadway)
- ajotie (s: road prepared for driving)
- halu (s: psychology: desire or interest)
- levyasema (s: computing: apparatus for reading and writing to or from a storage device)
- levy (s: computing: mass-storage device)
- laakapallo (s: baseball, tennis: ball struck in a flat trajectory)
- hyväntekeväisyystapahttuma (s: charity event)
- lauma (s: collection of objects that are driven / lauma / animals)