diplomi-insinööri (englanniksi)
- Master of Science in Technology (s: tekniikan alan ylempi korkeakoulututkinto, diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto)
- graduate engineer (s: tekniikan alan ylempi korkeakoulututkinto, diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto)
- academic degree granted to a person who has completed engineering studies at master's level in a Finnish university (s)
- or such person himself. Usually translated into English as Master of Science in engineering (s)
- and abbreviated as M.Sc. (s: Eng)
- or Master of Science abbreviated as M.Sc.. The Finnish abbreviation is DI. The word is used also to refer to corresponding foreign degrees and persons holding them (s: Technology / Tech.)
Viimeisimmät haut: diplomi-insinööri, tuning fork, sateenkaariseppä, vammauttaa, mespirenone, sandstorm